30 Min Free Consult
Many of us find that Talk-Therapy, Psychoanalysis and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy methods are not providing us with felt sense of self discovery we desire for growth and healing. If often feels like we are missing something essential, perhaps an anchor to drop into so that we are able to digest, metabolize and catalyze all of the learned tools we have collected throughout our life experiences.
Being guided through an Embodied Arts – Discovery Process can help you deepen your individuality and create the bridge to self compassion.
My work is rooted in the following principles:
- Acknowledgment of your capacity for responsibility and choice in the moment and in life as a whole
- Honoring your true preference for living in accordance to your felt sense of self
- Supporting your capacity to accept the limitations of your life and responsibilities and encrouages a willingness to express your true self in the world, just the way you are.
- Recognizing that there is nothing to ‘fix’, there are only areas of self to explore and express
The Somatic Tools that I utilize :
- Breath
- Movement
- Vocalization
- Sensory Listening
- Touch
The Foundation of my Coaching : Somatic Based Expressive Art Therapy
The foundation of my coaching is Somatic Based Expressive Art Therapy. I am trained in the Tamalpa Life Art Process® a psychosomatic practice that uses dancing, drawing, and narrating to contribute to creativity, personal growth, and healing.
Curiosity and a willingness to explore is the is the essential ingredient in this process.
This approach to healing is suitable for persons of all ages and no previous art or dance experience is necessary.
I am trained in the following philosophies and methods and apply them to my body of work as I lead individuals through somatic exploration:
- Three Levels of Awareness : Expanded NV Communication Model
- Movement Ritual
- Psychokinetic Imagery Process
- Body Mapping : Body Part Mythology Explorations
- Conflict Resolution
- Witnessing and Active Listening
- Trauma Informed Approaches : Polyvagal Informed and Practiced
How long is a session and how long is the process?
1: 1 Sessions are 60 – 90 minutes in length and are offered in-person or online. Any where from 4 to 12 sessions can be helpful. Some individuals continue this work for a year or longer. It depends on the person and the exploration.
Group work is held in workshop type settings and is offered online or in-person thought the year. Attending a workshop or dance event is a great way to experience the work before considering committing to 1 : 1 work.
Do you take insurance?
At the moment I offer a sliding scale fee for 1 : 1 Therapeutic Discovery Sessions. Soon, I will be able to offer ‘out of network’ benefits through ISMETA. Majority of insurance companies do not include somatic therapy as ‘in network’.
The Body Psychology Association of America, as well as the International Somatic Movement Educators & Therapists Association are working on a systemic level to change this. I am currently a member of both organizations.